Educators today face the challenge of balancing traditional teaching responsibilities (marking papers, preparing lessons, etc.) with extra administrative requirements (e.g. district reports, school administrative reports, spreadsheets, etc.) that used to be done by Principals and School District offices. The new responsibilities are especially compromised by the lack of resources as School Boards no longer purchase textbooks (to save money) and the expectation that teachers will find what they need on the Internet.
Searching the internet for what you need can be a daunting task. It can take hours to find the proper resource for what you need. Free time to spend with family or to have a mental health break can become a premium for today’s educator. Then there is the financial aspect. Educators already purchase most of the physical classroom materials without any reimbursement from the school system. Trying to afford educational programs on the internet can be a challenge as well.
In an effort to save time and (possibly) money, The Traveling Pencil has done the research for educators.
Click on the subject of your choice and you will be taken to a linked page with an organized list of resources:
- Literacy (e.g. reading, writing, grammar)
- Numeracy (e.g. basic operations, shapes, patterns)
- Science
- Social Studies
- Health / Physical Education
- Fine Arts (e.g. Music, Visual Arts, Drama, Dance)
- Language Learning (programs for languages other than English)
- Multicurricular (websites with more than one curriculum)
- Professional Organizations
- Miscellaneous (websites that don’t fit any other category)