AC Math – – Each area of focus is organized into “Activity Objects” including videos, animations, problems, assessments and printable worksheets. Teachers have access to a dashboard that tracks academic growth and the entire library of Activity Objects. Outside resources to lessons from the internet (e.g. Khan Academy) can be added.
BetterLesson – Lesson ideas in the section called “Number Sense and Operations”.
Gizmos– – Find the perfect Gizmo to get your students ready for success. Manage your classes and assess your grade 3-12 students in one place. Make planning easy with customizable, expert lesson materials.
Help Teaching – – Quickly generate printable arithmetic worksheets for drilling and practice! Just set the difficulty, problem type, and number of questions desired, and generate a worksheet that can be downloaded or printed.
Inside Mathematics– High School Number and Quantity Common Core Resources – Here you will find all high school number and quantity resources to guide and support mathematics teaching and learning. These resources are organized by mathematical strand and refer to specific Common Core math content standards. – – Use these Smart Board games, activities and lessons to learn about Integers, Decimals, Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Improper Fractions, Reducing, Exponents, Square Roots, Math Properties, Converting Decimals, Fractions, Percents, Ratio and Order of Operations. The first section is dedicated to number sense activities and games. Note: Lots of ads to deal with on the page.
Khan Academy – – The most fundamental branch of math is having a clear idea on number sense and numeratio, consisting of an understanding of place values and basic operations. Secondary School Algebra is a combination of number sense and algebraic thinking.
National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics – The materials below are specifically for teachers dealing with secondary school grades.
The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing – This course covers the number sense topics typically taught in Canadian Grade 9-11 Mathematics curricula (unless indicated otherwise) and, in some instances, extends ideas beyond grade level.
Number Sense and Algebraic Expressions – Exponent laws. Manipulating expressions including polynomials, radical and rational expressions. Investigating prime factorization.
Transmath – – A comprehensive math intervention curriculum that targets Gr. 5-10 students who lack the foundational skills necessary for entry into algebra and/or who are two or more years below grade level in math. Using a dual-topic approach, TransMath improves math skills by emphasizing fewer topics in greater depth while accelerating students to more advanced math, from number sense to rational numbers, to understanding algebra.
Visual Fractions – – Designed to help students learn about fractions and how to understand them using interactive visual tools. They have expanded to become an online reference – covering fraction and math calculators, percentages, unit conversions, and more.