Shape and Space (K-3)

Shape and Space

  1. A-Plus Math (Varsity Tutors) – Interactive math resources for teachers, parents, and students featuring free math worksheets, math games, math flashcards, and more. (The interactive worksheets also have a print option.)
  2. BetterLesson – Lesson ideas in the Math section with the subheadings specified below.
  3. Dad’s Worksheets – There are only a few worksheets aimed specifically at geometry or measurement on this website.
    • Basic Geometry Depending on the grade level, the first three sections have worksheets for identifying shapes, lines or angles.
    • Telling Analog Time – Students either need to tell time or color in the hands to reflect a given digital time. Later worksheets require students to add minutes, solve various problems starting with whole hours or add minutes to times that cross the twelve o’clock boundary on the clock face on more advanced worksheets.
    • Analog Elapsed Time – Elapsed time worksheets dealing with a whole hour, half hour, fifteen minute or five minute intervals and calculating intervals within and past the current hour.
    • Money – These printable money worksheets feature realistic coins and bills in problems for identifying coins, making change, counting coins, comparing amounts of money. Great for K-2 students!
    • Inches Measurement – Reading a ruler is a crucial skill and a great way to apply math skills to real world objects. These worksheets help prepare first grade and second grade students for real-world ruler activities. 
    • Metric Measurement – Learning to read a ruler is a great way to apply math skills to real world objects and an important elementary grade skill.
    • Metric SI Unit Conversions – The worksheets on this page all deal with unit conversions within the metric system. 
    • Customary Unit Conversions – The customary measurement system is more complex and requires memorizing to make conversions happen. These worksheets practice converting between customary units of mass, volume and distance.
    • Customary and Metric – These conversion worksheets have problems with various levels of difficulty converting between imperial (customary) and metric unit of length using unit fractions and unit cancelling. 
    • Measurement Chart – This measurement chart is a good reference aid for word problems involving converting volume, length or temperature units from one system to the other. Values are shown on one scale in both customary and metric systems.
  4. Development and Research in Early Math Education (DREME) – Created in 2014 to advance the field of early mathematics learning research and improve young children’s opportunities to develop math skills. It focuses on math learning from birth through age eight years, with an emphasis on the preschool years.
    • Spatial Relations: Why learning to reason about space and spatial relations is crucial for children’s early mathematics learning. Includes resources, activities and materials explaining how to develop understanding of shape and space.
    • Measurement & Data:  Why engaging with measurement and data is crucial for children’s early mathematics learning. Includes resources, activities and materials explaining how to develop understanding of measurement.
  5. Galileo Educational Network – A list of primary school classroom resources for shape and space. The list is very short for K-3 students:
    • Area is a Square Deal – If we measure the area of rectangles by dividing them into squares, then what shape should we use to measure area for triangles?
    • Connect The Dots – A unicursal curve in the plane is a curve that you get when you put down your pencil, and draw until you get back to the starting point.
    • Geometric Models Investigation – Discover the rules that describe geometric situations.
    • Tiling – Determining what shapes tile a plane is not a simple matter. There are some polygons that will tile a plane and other polygons that will not tile a plane.
  6. Gizmos – Find the perfect Gizmo to get your students ready for success. Manage your classes and assess your grade 3-12 students in one place. Make planning easy with customizable, expert lesson materials. There are free gizmos available but access to the full library needs a subscription.
  7. – Use these Smart Board games, activities and lessons to learn about Geometry, Measurement and Money. Note: Lots of ads to deal with on the page.
  8. Khan Academy – The most fundamental branch of math is having a clear idea on number sense and numeration. It consists of understanding place values and basic operations. 
  9. Math Seeds – Develops beginning numeracy skills with captivating activities covering measurement and geometry for K-3 students. Get the most out of class time with simple and teacher-friendly software.
  10. Math Worksheets 4 Kids – Introduces the elementary math concepts with sets of number measurement and geometry worksheets featuring topics like time, calendar, money, 2D or 3D shapes and more. 
  11. National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics – The materials below are specifically for teachers dealing with numeracy.
    • Early Years:
      • Shape and Space: Understanding what happens when shapes move, or combine with other shapes, helps develop wider mathematical thinking.
      • Measures: Comparing different aspects such as length, weight and volume, as a preliminary to using units to compare later.
    • Key Stage 1 (K-1):
      • Year 1 Measurement: Measure, begin to record, compare, describe and solve practical problems for: lengths/heights, mass/weight, capacity/volume and time. Recognise the value of different denominations of money, how to sequence events in chronological order and use language related to dates.
      • Year 1 Geometry (Position and Direction): Describe position, directions and movements, including half, quarter and three-quarter turns.
      • Year 2 Measurement: Compare, choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height (m/cm), mass (kg/g), temperature (°C), capacity (litres/ml) using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels. Compare/sequence intervals of time and solve simple problems using money.
      • Year 2 Geometry (Position and Direction): Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement.
    • Key Stage 2 (Gr. 2-5):
      • Year 3 Measurement: Measure, compare or add/subtract lengths, mass, volume/capacity and money. Measure the perimeter of 2D shapes. Tell time of an analogue clock (including Roman numerals, 12-hour and 24-hour clocks. Know the # of seconds in a minute; the # of days in each month and year.
      • Year 3 Geometry (Properties of Shapes): Draw 2D shapes and describe 3D shapes using modelling materials. Recognise that angles are a property of shape. Identify right angles (and whether angles are greater than or less than), horizontal/vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular/parallel lines
      • Year 4 Measurement: Estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money. Calculate the area and perimeter of rectangles and squares. Read, write and convert time (analogue and digital).
      • Year 4 Geometry (Properties of Shapes): Compare and classify geometric shapes. Recognise acute and obtuse angles. Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes. Complete a simple symmetric figure.
  12. NRICH – – Curriculum-linked resources to develop mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving skills.
  13. NumberSense Mathematics Programme – It has been created to support children’s development of a robust sense of number and deep understanding of mathematics. The K – 7 programme is responsive to the developmental needs of children, informed by current research on how children learn mathematics and provides a comprehensive mathematics solution. Most of it is free to use but some material is available for purchase only.
  14. PBS Learning Media – K-8 students (using interactives, videos and lesson plans) can review the calculation of area, find the area of combined shapes and can be assessed on their understanding using Khan Academy. Similar units can be created on topics such as lines and angles, probability models, and the multiplication and division of fractions. Make sure to use the filter to isolate the right grade.
  15. Super Teacher Worksheets Various types of shape and space worksheets available including angles, area, perimeter, shapes, radius, and more. The limited amount of “free” worksheets on this subject are listed below:
  16. Texas Instruments – Browse and download activities designed for the complete line of Texas Instruments (TI) graphing calculators. Here are the search results from the activities directory for K-5 students:
  17. Worksheet Genius – Ready-made worksheets in different areas of measurement (no geometry). This math strand is limited on the website and only includes the following:
  18. WorksheetWorks – A collection of worksheet generators that provide various quick and easy worksheets when something is needed for K-6 students in a pinch.
    • Geometry Working with shapes and coordinates. Measuring geometric shapes.
    • Measurements – Choosing and writing the best units. Best estimates.
    • Money – Basic money problems using pictures.
    • Time – Clock basics. Math with clocks. Math with calendars.

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