Live From Endurance22 | Awesome Engineering!

How can we build ships that are strong enough to handle the toughest seas and the thickest ice? What can we learn by closely monitoring the S.A. Agulhas II as it travels through both these environments? Let’s ask Endurance22 Expedition Read More …

Computer Science Education Week

from the official website: Computer Science Education Week is an annual call to action to inspire K-12 students to learn computer science, advocate for equity and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers and partners to the field. The CSEdWeek theme Read More …

CASC Week of Wonder (for Science Literacy Week)

from Canadian Association of Science Centres website:   The Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC), in partnership with Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants (EBTSOYP) is hosting a 5-day virtual  #WeekofWonder during NSERC’s Science Literacy Week (#Scilit). Teachers, students Read More …

International Women in Engineering Day

From the International Women in Engineering UK website: International Women in Engineering Day is celebrating its 8th year in 2021. Brought to you by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES), INWED is an international awareness campaign which raises the profile of women in engineering Read More …

Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month

From American Statistical Association: Mathematics Awareness Month began in 1986 as Mathematics Awareness Week.  In 1986, activities concentrated on national-level events, such as opening an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution on mathematics and hosting a Capitol Hill reception. In 1999, Read More …

International Girls in ICT Day

On Girls in ICT Day – marked annually on the fourth Thursday in April – the United Nations highlights the need to promote technology career opportunities for girls and women in the world’s fastest growing sector. It is estimated that there Read More …