World Day of Social Justice

from the UN website: A Call for Social Justice in the Digital Economy The digital economy is transforming the world of work. Over the past decade, expansion in broadband connectivity, cloud computing, and data have led to the proliferation of Read More …

International Day of Education

from the United Nations website: As it was detailed in UNESCO’s global Futures of Education report, transforming the future requires an urgent rebalancing or our relationships with each other, with nature as well as with technology that permeates our lives, bearing Read More …

International Day of Yoga

From the United Nations page: Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word ‘yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness. Today it Read More …

World Desertification and Drought Day

From United Nations website: The 2021 Desertification and Drought Day to be held on 17 June will focus on turning degraded land into healthy land. Restoring degraded land brings economic resilience, creates jobs, raises incomes and increases food security. It Read More …

World Oceans Day

From United Nations website: A healthy ocean requires robust global knowledge of ocean science. We cannot manage what we cannot measure, and no single country is able to measure the myriad changes taking place in the ocean. From Fiji to Read More …

International Day of Light

The United Nations marks the International Day of Light – an annual initiative held globally to raise awareness on the critical role played by light-based technologies in everyday life – on May 16th every year.  It highlights the contribution of Read More …