Freedom to Read Week (Canada)

from the official website: Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Freedom to Read Week Read More …

Student Press Freedom Day (United States)

from the official website: Student Press Freedom Day is a national day of action when student journalists in the United States raise awareness of the challenges they face, celebrate their contributions to their schools and communities, and take actions to Read More …

Braille Literacy Day

from Pearson Canada: Louis Braille was born on January 4th, 1809. Due to an accident in his younger years, he lost his sight. In spite of this, Louis Braille excelled in school and at the age of 20, he published his Read More …

Braille Literacy Month

from Pearson Canada: Louis Braille was born on January 4th, 1809. Due to an accident in his younger years, he lost his sight. In spite of this, Louis Braille excelled in school and at the age of 20, he published his Read More …

Science Fiction Day

Science Fiction Day is celebrated on January 2nd each year.   Why? It coincides with Issac Asimov’s birthday – a well-known author of famous science fiction books like “I, Robot” and “The Bicentennial Man”.   from Lone Star College Research Read More …

Universal Letter Writing Week

Universal Letter Writing Week occurs during the second week of January. from It’s a week devoted to writing letters to family, friends, anyone. The challenge is simple- write a letter everyday for 7 days. With the pandemic still raging, Read More …

National Non-Fiction November (UK)

from the official website: National Non-Fiction November is the Federation of Children’s Book Groups’ annual celebration of all things factual.  Born out of National Non-Fiction Day, the brain child of Adam Lancaster during his years as Chair, the whole month now celebrates Read More …

Children’s Book Week (Autumn)

from Publishers Weekly: Closing out the second leg of this year’s Children’s Book Week, the Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader are gearing up for the fall celebration. Scheduled for November 8–14, the week-long literacy event has already Read More …


TeenTober is an international celebration hosted by libraries every October aiming to celebrate teens while promoting year-round services and the innovative ways they help teens learn new skills.  Staff are encouraged to use this international celebration to advocate for, and Read More …

Children’s Book Week

from Children’s Book Council website: Children’s Book Week is the annual celebration of books for young people and the joy of reading. Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country. Every year, young Read More …